Our Programs


Our Programs

Serious black teen guy writing in notebook during webinar or lesson on laptop at home
Fundamentals of thinking program (SEED)
childhood and mental health concept
It takes a village healing circle program
Small black kids enjoying with their dog in the living room.
It takes a village summer program
(Fairfax Recreation center)


What is the Fundamental of thinking program?

 The Fundamentals of thinking program is a 12 week program offered to students ages 11-18. Each cohort held quarterly will comprise 15-20 students who will be introduced to S.E.E.D and the intentional change theory by Dr Richard Boyatzis.

S.E.E.D (Social-Emotional Enlightenment and Development) This curriculum teaches how to effectively self reflect, identify your feelings, and the feelings of others for more positive outcomes and social interactions. Emotional and social intelligence is the ability to identify our feelings and those of others. It helps us to self reflect, reconfigure our focus on ourselves so that we can direct our emotions effectively internally and to others. Finally applying the intentional change theory by Dr. Richard Boyatzis.

  • S.social: focusing on development of socialization skills.
  • E.emotional: breaking down the physical response to an emotional experience.
  • E.enlightenment: helping to refine how we cope with our emotions.
  • D.development: cultivating skills to combat the emotional response.


Outcome: The principal focus of the agenda is to dissolve the ego, provide S.E.E.D awareness through the fundamentals of thinking program. Developing psychological resilience, mindfulness and self reflection skills for effective decision making skills, positive social interactions and outcomes.